Ibne Kathir و هي الكواكب المنيرة المشرقة Al Qurtabi كواكب Al Jalalain: بنجوم
مبين Root: ب ى ن Separating, severing, disuniting, or cut-ting off; distancing two things from each other; this makes both apparent, manifest, evident, clear, plain or perspicuous;The basic concept infolded in the Root is to create a distance between two things to make both of them separate and distinguished and distinct from each other.
com·et [kómmət]
(plural com·ets) noun astronomical object with long tail: an astronomical object that is composed of a mass of ice and dust and has a long luminous tail produced by vaporization when its orbit passes close to the Sun [12th century. Directly or via French < Latin (stella) cometa "long-haired (star)" < Greek (astēr) komētēs < komē "hair of the head"] {With thanks from Encarta}
بُرٌوجًا Root: ب ر ج Applied to a certain kind of a structure, tower, chambers, towers built upon the boundary wall of a palace, turret. استرق Root: س ر ق steal; obtain secretly and by artifice, clandestinely.
يُقذَفُونَ Root: ق ذ ف to throw, hurl دُحُورًا Root: د ح ر to drive away, expel or banish, push away with violence, roughness or ignominy. From every side denotes that they are swarmed/darted from every side to expel them {only make them fearful, and not to kill} Meteor shower resembles the statement. "Meteor, in astronomy, small solid body known as a meteoroid that enters a planet's atmosphere from outer space and is raised to incandescence by the friction resulting from its rapid motion. Brilliant meteors, known as fireballs, occur singly and generally consist of a luminous head, followed by a comet like train of light that may persist for several minutes; some, called bolides, have been seen to explode with a sound like thunder. Fainter meteors, called shooting or falling stars, usually occur singly and sporadically. At intervals, however, hundreds of such meteors occur simultaneously and appear to emanate from a fixed point. These swarms are called meteor showers and are named after the constellation in which they seem to have their point of origin. Some appear annually on the same days of each year and are called periodic showers; others occur infrequently at varying intervals. The periods of meteor showers generally coincide with those of certain comets (see Comet). Most meteors are dissipated in flight and fall to the earth as dust; a meteor that reaches the surface of the earth or another planet is called a meteorite. "Meteor." Microsoft® Encarta® 2006 [DVD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2005.
said of heat altering the color, whiteness predominated over blackness; a piece of wood in which fire is gleaming or radiating; fireball as explained in 27:07
Root: ث ق ب piercing, shone and glistened intensely, bright; streak of light, incandescence.
Asteroid, one of the many small or minor rocky planetoids that are members of the solar system and that move in elliptical orbits primarily between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Thanks to NASA that human efforts are also successful in reaching there. NEAR Shoemaker set down safely on Eros in February 2001—the first spacecraft ever to land on an asteroid.
"And We have adorned the sky of the world with comets and made it safe" {Refer 41:12} YUSUF ALI: And We adorned the lower heaven
with lights,
and (provided it) with guard. "And We have adorned the sky of the world with comets and made those a source of hurling for Evil Ones" {who come there to listen something} {Refer 67:05} YUSUF ALI: And we have, (from of old), adorned the
lowest heaven with Lamps, and We
have made such (Lamps) (as) missiles to drive away the Evil Ones, Rashad Khalifa: We adorned the lowest universe with lamps, and guarded its borders with projectiles against the devils;
It is thus evident that in the old and modern
exegesis and translations three distinct words
Language is a medium to transmit and convey knowledge and perceptions from one mind to another mind. This transfer and transportation can be possible and could be termed as the best only if the listener and reader could infer and perceive exactly what was in the mind and heart of the first person. And the language comprises of words. Therefore for the exact transfer of knowledge and perception from one mind to another mind the words must have distinct and predefined meanings conveying a specific perception. The words must make two things distinct from each other to earn eloquence to the language.
The Grand Quran is called
"And this language is Arabic, One that makes things distinct" {Refer 16:103}
"With language Arabic, One that makes things distinct" {Refer 26:195} The very word مبين about the Quran and its language Arabic clarifies that the meanings of a statement/word of Quran cannot be two or three. Quran is made easy because of it being مبين . Then its Ayat, imparting knowledge have been "فصلت" i.e. separated/segregated so that everything becomes distinct. Again its Ayat have been "احكمت" which means to distinguish the two things, segregate right from wrong, knowledge from conjecture, truth from falsehood since the job of the judge is to decide and segregate two things. And Quran is still made easier by تصريف so that even a man of ordinary prudence could perceive the stated thing from all angles comprehensively. Quran says right has been segregated from wrong. But our problem is that we don't have much of time and see Quran only as a side activity.
Arabic Mubeen
do not permit that these
In old times, people observed certain objects appearing suddenly in the sky and behaving differently from planets. From their appearance they gave them the Greek name "Komet" meaning "hairy one, hair of the head". And today we call them "Comet", an astronomical object with long tail. Man knows about "comets" for the last 2500 years and have observed and recorded about 2000 comets. At the time of revelation of Quran e Mubeen, the appearance of large comets was regarded as atmospheric phenomenon and same was the perception of Aristotle. It were not regarded as celestial bodies. Quran e Majeed clarified that it were celestial bodies like the planets:
"We have adorned the one sky of world with the attraction/beauty of Planets" {37:06} "And We have adorned the sky of the world with comets and made it safe" {Refer 41:12} After about 900 years of the
information given by Quran people starting believing them as celestial
bodies but unfortunately our translators kept calling
"Appearances of large comets were regarded as atmospheric phenomena until 1577, when Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe proved that they were celestial bodies. In the 17th century British scientist Isaac Newton demonstrated that the movements of comets are subject to the same laws that control the planets in their orbits.
Pasachoff, Jay M. "Comet." Microsoft®
Encarta® 2006 [DVD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2005".
The Arabic word
Why and how the sky of world has been made safe from Evil ones? Grand Quran explained: "And We have made in the sky towers {Asteroids} and made the sky attractive for on lookers And We have made the sky of earth safe from every Cursed and condemned Satan; except { regard to safety} that he who listens clandestinely, therefore for that a visible flame hurls towards him" {Refer 15:16-18} YUSUFALI: It is We Who have set out the
zodiacal signs in the heavens, and made them fair-seeming to (all)
beholders; And (moreover) We have guarded them from every cursed devil:
But any that gains a hearing by stealth, is pursued by a flaming fire,
bright (to see)
"And We have made the sky {of earth} a safe canopy" {Refer 21:32} YUSUF ALI: And We have made the heavens
as a canopy well guarded:
"Permanence is for The One Who has made in the sky of earth towers/structures {Asteroids} and made in it Sun and a Reflecting Moon" {Refer 25:61} YUSUF ALI: Blessed is He Who made constellations in
the skies, and placed therein a Lamp and a Moon giving light; {The sky of the earth has nothing to do with the constellations, in astronomy, any of imagined 88 groupings of bright stars that appear on the celestial sphere. Sky of earth does not have بنجوم stars}
"By the Sky, which is the possessor/holder of Asteroids" {Refer 85:01} YUSUFALI: By the sky, (displaying) the Zodiacal
"We have adorned the one sky of world with the attraction/beauty of Planets" {37:06} And made it safe from every Rebellious Satan YUSUFALI: (For beauty) and for guard against all
obstinate rebellious evil spirits, Who cannot listen the talk of the Exalted Chiefs and they are hurled from every side {swarmed} to expel/push them away, and for them is {awaiting} perpetual torment;
except that if someone clandestinely overheard something a hurling fire ball follows him"{37:06-10}
The word
When Musa said to his family, "I have seen fire, I will bring to you from there some news
or I will bring a firebrand/fireball so that you may warm yourselves" {Refer 27:07}
The summary of the
information so far read is that the sky of earth has بُرٌوجًا
denoting towers built on the boundary wall of palaces for the
stationing/sitting of guards which implies the smallness of their
structure but in numbers larger. And it is told that to keep the evil
satins away from listening to the "Exalted Chiefs" they are
hurled/swarmed to frighten and expel them away. However if someone
succeeds in listening few words clandestinely a fireball with streak of
light chases/follows him. It may be noted that all the three thingsبُرٌوجًا
, يُقذَفُونَ
"And We have adorned the sky of the world with comets and made it safe" {Refer 41:12} "And We have adorned the sky of the world with comets and made those a source of hurling for Evil Ones" {who come there to listen something} {Refer 67:05}
{A group of Jinn who had listened the Quran said to their nation} "And we touched/went into the sky and we found that it is filled with strong guards and fireballs
We used, indeed {as you know} to sit in the sky in some of its sitting places for the purpose of listening. But now {We have come to know by listening Quran} if anyone listens he will find for himself a fireball awaiting him" {Refer 72:08-09}
It seems that
It seems that humanity has nothing to fear from these asteroids, meteor shower and comets. Let them roam about as they want to. If some asteroid or comet struck our land 65 million years ago resulting in the disappearance of the last of the dinosaurs that too was good for us otherwise they would have been a source of nuisance for humanity. There is something good and remarkable to watch and study them but there is little logic to pick up quarrels with them. Moreover it is not the celestial bodies that we should be afraid of; we should care for the One Who created them to serve us since:
Do they not see/ponder over what was before them and hidden/behind them in the sky and earth If it is Our will/wish We could cause the earth to swallow them up. or cause something from sky to fall on them" {Refer 34:09}
"And if they would see some piece from sky falling they would {presume and} say "a heap {piled up} of clouds" {Refer 52:44} This reflects the possibility of falling something on earth from the sky. But if it happened {Allah forbids} all our gadgetry will make us presume that it is nothing but just piled up dust. It is mentioned about an old civilization Ad: "And when they thought/saw that as dense cloudy coming towards their valley they said, "This is a cloud, it will give us rain"
{They were told} "No, it is that you sought to hasten, it is wind in which there is a grievous punishment; It will destroy everything by the command of its Lord". And then the result was that it ended with nothing was left to be seen except their houses/buildings. This is how We punish the guilty people" And they were the people whom We had firmly established with power which We have not given to you and We had given them faculty of listening, seeing and interpreting/intellect/knowledge/know how/technology but all their faculties of knowledge did not profit/saved them when they deliberately denied the words of Allah and were then completely encircled by that {warning} which they used to mock/ridicule" {Refer 46:24-26} It was cold wind that kept blowing for 8 days and seven nights. It lifted people and struck them against walls and everything. One can imagine the speed and intensity of it and the pains and cries of those people. That was the sorrow end of a very flourishing civilization equipped with wealth and knowledge. May Allah be kind to us.